Renate Aichinger lives in Vienna with her family and is a lover of texts, theatre and her daughter. She has published numerous works for bookshelves and stages, including four books as well as plays for the Offene Burg and Junge Burg at the Burgtheater and the Junges Schauspielhaus Zürich. Most recently, her play #dieteilzeitlosen premiered at Theater Kosmos in Bregenz.

She has invented various participatory formats for the Offene Burg at the Burgtheater Vienna, which she founded and directed, as well as the Bürgertheater at the Landestheater Niederösterreich. She has also won a few prizes, including the Rauriser Förderungspreis, Nestroy-Spezialpreis, Schwazer Stadtschreiberin, Jubiläumsfondsstipendium der Literar Mechana, Projektstipendium Stadt Wien. Residencies have taken her to Krakow, Venice, Paliano and Trieste, among other places. She is a VERSOPOLIS poet (Lviv/Ukraine, Antwerp/Ghent, Bratislava, Belgrade), where some of her poems have been translated into English, Ukrainian, Spanish, Dutch & Slovenian – most recently also published in the anthology versópolis nueva poesía europea in Mexico. luisa & der himbärrotglitzermond is her first play for the little big ones. And most recently: HerzMuschelKlappen (both published by Bühnenverlag Weitendorf, Hamburg).

As author Renate Aichinger takes part in the Drama Lab 2025.

Photo credit: Anna Zehetgruber