Giorgio Ferretti was born in 1990 in Lecco, Italy, and has lived in Germany since 2014. He studied literature and cultural studies in Milan, Bremen, Bonn and Florence. In addition to jobs in the hotel and catering industry, he has worked at the Institute for Romance Studies at the University of Bonn and in a retirement home in Strasbourg. Since 2019, he has been studying at the German Literature Institute in Leipzig. He has collaborated on the reading series “Hausdurchsuchung”, the “Tippgemeinschaft” and “Edit”. He has been invited to the auftakt festival für szenische texte 2021, the 25th Klagenfurt Literature Course 2022 and the Bieler Gespräche 2022. He is also part of the publishing collective hochroth Leipzig and the writing and performance collective Rhymth. Currently, he has co-founded the emerging Young Literature Institute to organise literary workshops for children and young people. His prose, poetry, essays and drama have been published in various journals, including BELLA Triste, PS Politisch Schreiben, GYM, Glitter, Jenny, Hot Topic! and Das Narr.
Giorgio Ferretti qon the 2022 exil playwright with his play “America”, which premiered first at Schauspiel Leipzig in September 2023.
Photo: David Tiefenthaler