Gerhild Steinbuch, born 1983 in Mödling, studied scenic writing at the DRAMA FORUM Graz and master’s programme in dramaturgy at the Ernst Busch Academy of Dramatic Arts in Berlin. She has been a professor at the Institute for Language Arts at the University of Applied Arts Vienna since 2019, and head of the institute since autumn 2021. She writes texts for spoken and musical theatre, radio plays, prose, essays, works as a freelance dramaturg as well as a translator from English (most recently: Not The End of the World by Chris Bush, director: Katie Mitchell, premiere Schaubühne Berlin, 2021, Beyond Caring by Alexander Zeldin, Schaubühne Berlin, 2022, Trojan Women, director: Adena Jacobs, Burgtheater Vienna, 2022). Her texts are represented by Rowohlt Theater Verlag. Winner of the play competition of the Schaubühne am Lehniner Platz Berlin, playwright at the Schauspielhaus Vienna, participant in the Bachmann Prize, in the International Residency at the Royal Court Theatre London, scholarship holder of the Autorenwerkstatt Prosa at the Literarisches Colloquium Berlin, in the Autor*innenlabor at the Schauspiel Frankfurt, Hansmann-Poethen scholarship, manuskripte Prize Gerhild Steinbuch was a founding member of HYDRA (formerly Nazis & Goldmund). Nazis & Goldmund), a writers’ initiative against the European right, and co-initiator of VIELEN in Austria.

Gerhild Steinbuch was part of the EU project Fabulamundi – Playwriting Europe. Beyond Borders?.

As part of the WIENER WORTSTAETTEN, she wrote an episode for the international writing project The End of Tolerance.

Together with Thomas Köck, she wrote “two steps forward and three steps back. eine gesammelte spitzenpolitische rücktrittserklärung” for the Austria feature at the Leipzig Book Fair Weltsprache Provinz – vom Leben und Sterben in einem zentraluropäischen failed state.

Fotocredit: Max Bohm