
Dario Bevanda, born 1985 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, is a graduate of the Academy for Theater and Film in the department of Dramaturgy. He worked as a dramaturge on the plays “Road to Katmandu” (2011, Sarajevo War Theatre), “God is a DJ” (2012, Art Cinema Kriterion) and “The Secret of Raspberry Jam” (2013, Sarajevo War Theatre), for the latter of which he was also co-author of the dramatization (Honorable Mention of the Jury for Dramatization and Dramaturgy of the 53rd International Theatre Festival MESS).
He also works as a film, theater and music critic. Creation and co-author of radio plays for BH Radio 1 since 2013.

Within the project nameds SAR-VIE-SAR he presented his play “Würde ich, wenn ich könnte”.
On the occasion of anschreiben – 10 Jahre WIENER WORTSTAETTEN he wrote the monologue “Vienna Calling” for the WIENER WORTSTAETTEN.